As a Catholic, I have the privilege of attending morning mass everyday. I started the practice of attending weekday mass when I can, especially in particular times in need, or for special feast occasions. The privilege of attending morning mass is a great gift , that the Catholic Church can give, and sadly an under appreciated one.
This week, I decided I really need the presense of Jesus. I needed to go to Him, and to know that He is with me. Yes that teachings of the Church always emphasizes that Jesus is always with you, through thick and thin, but to go for weekday mass, allows you physically re-affirm it. Similar to confession, you are always though that Jesus will forgive you for your sins,but for many , I am sure there is a lingering doubt. Through the sacrement of reconciliation, you know you have received absolution and forgiveness through the ministry of the priest. So in Mass, you know that you not only spent valueable time in worship with Him, but also to receive Him through the Blessed Sacrement.
And when I come out from Mass, I feel stronger, knowing that I can face the challenges of each day. I walk out with a little smile on my face, like that of having a little secret.. the secret of knowing that I have Jesus with me today. That the problems and difficulties I face, no longer seems so big. There is a bounce in my step, because I know, I have my Big Brother with me, ready to catch my if I trip .
That is how privilege we are, to have the opportunity to receive Jesus everyday.