Friday, January 1, 2010

Questions on the Practices of the Catholic Faith

I was recently asked a few questions regarding the practices of the catholic faith by an atheist friend with regards to homosexualty, women priest and the vows of celibacy.

Apparently I wrote it well enough that they thought I googled it for them. I assure you it was written entirely by myself.

So here are the questuions and my reponse to it based on my limited understanding of the teachings of the Catholic church.

Homosexuality - The act of homosexuality is seen as an act that is agaisnt nature. Sex is intended for the creation of life between a married couple. Although married couples may have sex on a frequent basis - contraceptives are not allowed, as it will interfere with the creation of life ( act of God) . Hence although sex can be out of pleasure, the married couple should be ready to accept the resulting factor of a baby if it so happens. Hence homosexual sex , is a sexual act, whereby no life can be created, hence an unnatural act. Similar to masturbation, as no life can result from it. Premarital & Extramarital sex is also a sin, because these "unions" are of a self serving nature, and destroys the sanctity of the institution of marriage. However it must be emphasized that it is the act of Homosexuality that is despised and not the homosexual individual , as the Church views all creation of God as Holy and beloved, irregardless of their actions.

Women Priest - Jesus's 12 apostles were all male ( all appointed by Him) , and Peter was apointed the first pope of the catholic church. Going down the line of popes, it is believed that it must be passed on to a male. In addition to this, the pope leads an global religion, where his authority is represented in the Bishops, which are represented in the priest. As such, the Priest , Bishops and Pope must be male.

This does not mean that the church views the contribution of Females as any lesser. I am sure you have noted the importance we have placed to Mother Mary's role in the Church, as the Mother of God and the Mother of Church. Hence women who wish to commit their life to God, can do so as a religious Nun , in service to different ministries. You have seen nuns who dedicate their life works in Hospitals ( Assunta / Fatima Hospital) , Education (Convent Schools) , Poor and Destitute ( Mother Theresa) or complete prayers ( Carmelite nuns) . They too take similar vows as the priest - Chastity, Obedience and Poverty. Also to note, the Catholic church follows not only the teachings of Christ through the Holy Bible, but also through the Holy traditions, as well as Theological intepretations and teachings such as Canon Law ( the law of the church). Holy traditions and Theological intepretations are all based on the Holy Bible.

Vow of Celibacy - Is one of the most important vow for a priest or religious. When entering into the sacrament of Holy Orders ( Ordanation as a Priest / Monk / Nun) the individual commits him/herself fully to Christ , and to service to Christ through his ministries and vocation. A commitment of life to God basically ( similar to Sacrament of Marriage - a lifetime commitment to your spouse) . In addition to this, in the life of service, the individual needs to focus on the ministry they are in fully and entirely, and not to be distracted with building and fostering a family, as their family is now the Church. Hence the individual leaves everything behind to serve God, especially the persuit of worldly pleasures and materials . Hence the Vows of Poverty , Chastity and Obedience.

I am sure many married couples can testify how difficult it is to focus on building the family, taking care of your spose, providing for the family. As a priest or religious, their "allegience" is to the church, as opposed to a married couple who needs to take care of one another. Having said that it is common , that Nuns / Priest have adopted children as their own to be the legal guardian. The act of celibacy extends to sexual acts and not only matrimony, as the point above highlights, sex is intended for the creation of life, hence masturbation is a sin.

Regards ,

Lincoln Lee

Sent via BlackBerry from Maxis

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