Holy water plays an important role in the sacraments of the church , as well as the sign of the cross – a self blessing. However the use of Holy Water during the Sign of the Cross is not a necessity to celebrate the sacraments in the church or to begin worship. As the article writes , it serves as a reminder of our baptism in Christ. Similarly , during Easter Mass, when the priest blesses the congregation with Holy Water, or during the Passion Mass, when the priest blesses the Palms, if the holy water doesn’t touch you (or the palms) , does it mean that you are not “Baptized again” or that your palms are not “Blessed” , This is certainly not the case !
My question to you , is our faith based only on such external signs. Then without it , is our faith weakened ? The practice of our faith , should be based on a deeper understanding of Christ’s Love and Mercy, as well as the mysteries of the Sacraments that he instituted for us. The celebration of the Sacraments are key foundations to our faith. Would the Hail Mary’s be less devoted if we used a Rosary that isn’t blessed ? Is a house blessing by the Head of the household, any less meaningful ? Would my prayers and blessing for you be any less worthy of God’s attention , then that of a priest ? Is the sign of the cross, any less holy without Holy Water? Can we pray, even if we do not have a holy picture in front of us ?
I believe that the sacramentals such as Holy water, and blessings are important aspects of the practice of our religion , but not a necessary part. It serves as a reminder of the practice of our faith, externally to the public as well as internally to ourselves, but our Faith in Christ should never waver even with the absence of the sacramentals. He is the Lamb that paid the price of our sins with His own blood, and that is what is important in our faith.
I personally see the Sacraments brings us to Communion with Christ and the Church, while the Sacramentals serves as a daily reminder of the practices of our faith