Tuesday, June 12, 2007

The Saints who inspire me

I suddenly felt an urge to write about this, and I have been reflecting on the people / saints that inspire me , especially in my journey of faith. I think I can say that there are 3 people / saints who inspire me greatly. These are the people who have selflessly served God, with such devoted faith.
1. St Francis of Assisi - He wasn't a simple man, but as a young men , he was filled with visions of splendor and glory, yet one day God touched him, and he became truly a man of God, giving up everything to follow Christ. He had the vision that he was to rebuild the Church. His life was one of great challenges, and he was a very passionate person, in his love and service to God, at times he was even spontaneous and brash , too spontaneous infact even to think of how he may have hurt his fellow followers. At that point in time, he could have been considered a rebel by the Church , with his unorthodox ways, yet God told him to rebuild the Church, and even the Pope received a vision , that Francis of Assisi was holding up the Church. For me, how he left his life, his spontaneity, his dedication and passion, and his brashness are and inspiration to me.
2. Mother Theresa - This woman, also started from a relatively wealthy family in India, eventually went to serve the poorest of the poor, Her life was dedicated in selfless service to God by service the marginalized even to her death. She never doubted God's calling, and even took it up with such passion and devotion. To me, she didn't just serve God, but she served His people, those that even the poor rejected. I am amaze at her devotion, selflessness and her wisdom in the service of God
3. Pope John Paul II  - To me, Pope John Paul II , is one of the greatest Pope, in his faith and his believe in human kind. He is widely considered the people's pope, and he worked tirelessly in reaching out to the Youths, to other religions, and to other Christian faiths, all in the hope to unite everyone to believe in God's love. Despite his illness, he continued working on these missions, reaching out to as many individual as possible. His work among the youths is a great inspiration to me.
Although Mother Theresa and Pope John Paul has yet to be canonised as Saints, I truly believe that they can be counted as one of the great Saints in heaven, praying for us.  I often think of them , and wonder how they have managed to carry the cross that was given to them. To me , they are an inspiration to be the Salt of the Earth and Light of the World.

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